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Workshops Session C

Saturday, 3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

C1. Midwest Leadership School: What It Is and What It Isn't

Several people who have attended the Midwest Leadership School will present their views and answer your questions about the school.
David Martin, Leadership Development Program Coordinator; and Working Group members

C2. Unitarian Universalist Affordable Housing Partnership

UUAHP is an exciting new collaboration among UU congregations. Its purpose is to address the local affordable housing crisis by promoting changes in public policy and funding priorities, increasing direct service, and creating an affordable housing fund with low-interest loans to nonprofit housing development projects for low income households. Is this a model for other social justice work across congregations?
Jo Haberman, Social Concerns Committee, First Unitarian Society, Minneapolis, and members of UUAHP

C3. Committee on Ministry: Challenges and Triumphs

How we can work together to create an environment that encourages the best use of the gifts of clergy and laity to strengthen the total ministry of the congregation.
Rev. Nancy Haley, UU Society of Iowa City; Diane Martin, Iowa City; Sharon Blevins, All Souls, Kansas City

C4. Wednesday Night at Church

Presenters will tell about a new and successful program at their church called "Welcome Home Wednesday" that combines a mid-week worship service, a catered dinner, and after-dinner classes. Participants in this workshop will share ideas about what works and what doesn't in adult religious education and will learn from the experience of other congregations.
Rev Kate Tucker; Kim Stelson, Chair, Adult RE, First Universalist Church, Minneapolis

C5. Commemorating the Fortieth Anniversary of the Merger of the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America

The Universalist Church of America (founded in Philadelphia, 1790) and the American Unitarian Association (founded in Boston, 1825)merged to become the Unitarian Universalist Association in 1961, just 40 years ago. What were the events -- theological, social, and organizational -- that led this to happen? What may we expect in the future?
Rev. Dr. John Cummins, Minister Emeritus, First Universalist Church, Minneapolis

C6. Ethics, Evaluation, and Efficacy in Religious Education Programming

Does your church have a great religious education program? Is your RE committee overwhelmed? Is your church community intergenerational? How can you shape your RE program to reflect the personality and values of the church community? Members of the PSD Committee on Religious Education (CORE) will lead you through discussion and exercises to share with your church community.
Janet Hanson, DRE, White Bear Lake, MN, and Lori Knudson Allen, DRE, Des Moines, IA

C7. UUA Elections 101

At this year's General Assembly in Cleveland, delegates will vote for UUA President, Moderator, and Financial Advisor. This workshop explores the voting process. You can vote even if no one from your congregation is going to GA -- this is one UUA election where absentee ballots are permitted.
Chris Greene, Past-President, Prairie Star District Board

C8. Youth-Adult Fishbowl

A guided process to enhance communication among youth and adults about the issues that are important to them in the context of youth programming and lives. The fishbowl allows for each group to listen in as the other group answers predetermined questions put forth by the non-speaking group. One group speaks while the other group listens. A powerful community building exercise.
Linda Wells, Davenport Unitarian Church, and fellow PSD YAC members


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Copyright Unitarian Universalist Association, 2001
Updated 03/15/2001

We appreciate your feedback. Comments or requests for services or links should be sent to Dick Shelton.