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Workshops Session B

Saturday, 1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

B1. How Do We Develop Leaders?

Presenters will use an "open space technology" process to help come up with ideas for leadership development. What are the issues? What are the needs?
David Martin, Leadership Development Program Coordinator; Sharon Blevins, All Souls Church, Kansas City.

B2. The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee: Using Social Action to Create Social Change

This program will explain how the UUSC acts to create social change, emphasizing women, children, and youth. The UUSC is changing to a real membership-based organization which can be used to strengthen local congregations. The UUSC presents opportunities for social actions through work camps in PSD and elsewhere, and in your town.
Walt Wells, PSD Regional Coordinator for UUSC

B3. Love and Hope: Bridging the Gaps

First Universalist Church of Minneapolis has become the home for the Uptown Children's Academy (UCA), an alternative elementary school for African-American, European-American, and immigrant families who have experienced homelessness and/or are at risk of experiencing it in the near future. What lessons have been learned so far from this partnership?
Jo Haberman, First Universalist Church, Minneapolis, and staff of UCA

B4. Revitalizing UU Women's Groups: Sharing Our Best Program Ideas

Does your UU women's group need a boost? Come to a mutual sharing session with women from the Prairie Star District. Share three to five of your most popular UU women's group programs. Those without a women's group are welcome to participate. You are encouraged to bring handout, posters, or other materials to provide more information about successful programs.
Karin Wille, First Universalist Church, Minneapolis

B5. Images on the Web

This interactive workshop will introduce participants to color spaces and image formats and how to use them effectively on the Web. How do you create GIF or JPG files? Which should you use?
Dick Shelton, Pilgrim House, Arden Hills, MN, and PSD Webmaster

B6. The Challenge of UU Theological Education Today

Seventy percent of students preparing for UU ministry attend non-UU schools. Should we be concerned that this will diminish our uniqueness and dilute our effectiveness as a liberal religious movement? Learn about how theological education is conducted at Meadville Lombard, one of only two UU schools for the ministry.
Rev. Dr. William R. Murry, President, Meadville Lombard Theological School

B7. Creating Worship for Youth and Adults: Intergenerational Worship Workshop

This workshop will address how worship can be meaningful for young people and adults together. Attendees will work as a group with presenter to create an empowering, sacred experience to be offered Saturday evening for conference participants.
David Leppik, Prairie Star District Board, and PSD youth

B8. Do Youth Have Souls?

An introduction to Continental YRUU's new Youth Advisor Training and Advisor Certification program. The program will consist of (way fun) sample exercises and discussion of new programs to increase professionalism and support adults who work with youth in UU congregations. Everyone interested in programs for middle and high school youth is invited.
Rick Roehlk, Communication Adult-Chair for the PSD Youth/Adult Committee, PSD advisor Trainer; a Youth Group Advisor, People's Church, Cedar Rapids, IA; and Shannon Betker, Youth with Soul


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Copyright Unitarian Universalist Association, 2001
Updated 03/15/2001

We appreciate your feedback. Comments or requests for services or links should be sent to Dick Shelton.