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Workshops Session A

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

A1. Discussion of Judy Lecture, "Growing Vital and Faithful UU Congregations"

Rev. Dr. William R. Murry, President, Meadville Lombard Theological School

A2. Leading the Small Church: Weaning the Kittens

Small churches have characteristics that make leadership a unique challenge. Some observations about small churches from a minister who loves them, then sharing of ideas and stories from all.
Rev. Dr. Sarah Oelberg, Nora UU Church/Mankato Fellowship

A3. Walking Together: Creating a Labyrinth Ministry

In their third year of labyrinth ministry, members of the Labyrinth Committee of First Universalist Church have learned some basics and beyond about what works with various groups on the labyrinth. The workshop will include some brief history and explanation of the labyrinth and will spend time discussing ways to bring this ancient spiritual practice to life in large and small congregations and fellowships.
Kelli Clement and Members of the Labyrinth Committee, First Universalist Church, Minneapolis

A4. Introduction to Prairie Star District Commissioned Lay Leader Program

What is a Commissioned Lay Leader? Could your congregation benefit from having a CLL? How does this program work? The answers to these and other questions will be addressed by a panel that includes a mentor to CLL candidates and practicing Commissioned Lay Leaders.
Karen Kress, CLL, Rice Lake, WI; Maryann LoGuidice, CLL, Dubuque, IA; Rev. Charity Rowley, Minister Emerita, UU Fellowship of Clinton.

A5. The Missing Generation

Many people now in their 20s and early 30s grew up unchurched or have left the religious traditions of their youth. They are seeking something more, something our liberal tradition can provide. How can our UU congregations attract this generation of young adults and keep the ones we have?
Jill Terwilliger, PSD Consultant for Young Adult Programming and Minister of Dakota UU Church, and Dawn Cooley, candidate for UU ministry

A6. When You Wish Upon a Star

Sometimes dreams do come true. At today's business meeting, PSD delegates will vote on creation of a new full-time staff position that will affect Religious Education programs in our district for years to come. This workshop will share details on that dream.
Carol Jean Larsen, District Board President, and other Board members

A7. Employee Evaluations: Boon or Bust?

Evaluations of church employees, when done well, can benefit both church and employee. When done poorly, they can cause anxiety and distrust. Come learn more about congregations as responsible employers.
Nancy Heege, Prairie Star District Executive

A8. Social Justice and Globalization

Our day-to-day work for social justice must be seen in the broader global context. This session will look at related topics including the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and world food security.
Mark Ritchie, First Universalist Church, Minneapolis


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Copyright Unitarian Universalist Association, 2001
Updated 03/15/2001

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