Saturday Workshops (C)  3:00–4:15

Arts & Creativity

1C: Planning Small Group/Lay-Led Worship Services
Small, lay-led services are an excellent alternative to a more formal Sunday service in many congregations. Members of the Worship Associates team from First Universalist Church in Minneapolis will discuss the planning and development of our midweek worship services as well as other lay-led services. Resource lists, tips for brainstorming topics, methods for increasing attendance and participant involvement, and ideas for soliciting congregational input will all be discussed. Worship Associates, First Universalist Church, Minneapolis


2C: Tools for Peacemakers
As organizations grow and change, conflict happens. Learn basic tools for peacemaking within yourself, your family and your congregation. Rev. Ted Tollefson, Northfield UU Fellowship

3C: The Hope and Courage of Restorative Justice
The purpose of the Restorative Justice Ministry Team at Unity Church–Unitarian is to pursue social justice by engaging team members, the congregation and the broader community in healing conversations and activities. Learn about restorative justice as a concept, its interface with the criminal justice system and about the diverse ways it is practiced by this community outreach team. Restorative Justice Ministry Team members, Unity Church–Unitarian


4C: Diversity’s Challenge: Conflict and Right Relations
It isn’t easy being diverse UUs! In this workshop we’ll learn about ways to build communities that truly appreciate differences, what’s often behind typical congregational conflicts and how to work through some specific conflicts. We’ll also remind ourselves to celebrate the spiritual and intellectual growth opportunities provided by our diversity. Members of the Prairie Star District Conflict Engagement/ Right Relations Consulting Team: Sharon Blevins, All Souls UU Church, Kansas City, Cheri Cody, Second Unitarian Church of Omaha, Rev. Brian Eslinger, UU Fellowship of Ames, Dale Handeen, Michael Servitus Unitarian Society, Fridley


5C: Building a Church Community Through Congregational Singing
This interactive workshop will focus on how important it is for the congregation to participate in the church’s music—particularly hymn singing. Come make a joyful noise together! Sonja Johnston (and others), Minnesota Valley UU Fellowship, Bloomington


6C: Web Templates for Congregations That Promote Growth
Congregations needing a Web site—or needing a better Web site—will enjoy seeing the results of a project to develop Web sites that promote congregational growth. This project created a set of templates to be used by various sizes of congregations to create or enhance their Web sites. The templates are available for free or at minimal cost to congregations and can be installed with minimal technical expertise. This project was partially funded by the UU Funding Program and was sponsored by the First Unitarian Society Technology Task Force. Mark Gibbons and Diana Allen, First Unitarian Society, Minneapolis


7C: Hands-On Spirituality
One of the most universal symbols of hope and courage is the “peace crane.” Come and hear the story of this powerful symbol, then learn to fold an origami crane. Each participant will leave the workshop with instructions on how to make a crane (for future folding), a sheet of ideas for intergenerational activities using the crane, and a talisman of hope in the form of a hanging crane. Limit 30 participants. Cheryll Wallace, First Unitarian Church of Omaha and Lori Allen


8C: UUA 101: How Our Association Serves All of Us
Ever wondered exactly how your congregation benefits from supporting our Unitarian Universalist Association? Here’s your chance to learn! We’ll outline the myriad ways the UUA serves its member congregations. We’ll also explain how it’s organized, staffed, and funded. John Blevins, PSD’s UUA trustee, will briefly summarize UUA’s anti-oppression initiatives. Liz Weber, UUA Annual Program Fund Chair for Prairie Star District, UU Fellowship of Ames, and John Blevins, UUA Trustee from Prairie Star District, All Souls UU Church, Kansas City


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Updated 01/11/2005

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