Saturday Workshops (A)  10:30–11:45


1A: Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood
The Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood (CCFC) has taken root in the Quad Cities. Members of this social outreach committee would like to tell the story of how their grassroots effort joined forces with the national organization to pilot an education and advocacy effort locally. They will share print and PowerPoint information and explain how your congregation could also have a local chapter of the CCFC. Kathy Bowman and Joyce Wiley, Davenport Unitarian Church


2A: Diversity Fosters Strong Lay Leadership
Does your congregation think it is easier to just have one or two leaders running everything? Do the same people keep doing the same volunteer jobs over and over until they get burned out? Get a hands-on look at what Mid West Leadership School (MWLS) can do for leaders in your congregation. Join two former MWLS staffers who will demonstrate how MWLS can strengthen your lay leadership and promote the health of your congregation. Marsha Diggs, First Unitarian of Wichita, and Deb Kline, UU Fellowship of Ames


3A: Growing Joys/ Welcoming All
How can your congregation experience growing joys (as opposed to pains)? What are the ways that growth can support and enliven your church community? In this session the many facets of congregational growth, in essence a theology of growth, will be explored. Effective and practical tools to reach out, welcome and integrate visitors will be presented. Rev. Jim Eller and Chloe Mason Seagrove, Membership Director, All Souls UU Church, Kansas City

4A: Learning Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent communication, also called compassionate communication, teaches an empathetic process of communication to help people talk and listen to each other during conflicts. It also helps individuals learn how to give empathy to themselves when needed. Using the principles in nonviolent communication, you can improve the quality of your relationships, and in the process, you can change the world. Margaret Kinney, Dakota UU Church, Burnsville, MN


5A: Theological Diversity: Contention or Convergence?
Two Iowa ministers, one a member of HUUmanists, and the other a member of the UU Christian Fellowship, discuss areas of agreement, divergence, and convergence as they understand Unitarian Universalism. They celebrate their mutual respect and the movement that enables each to covenant with the other in ways both transformative and renewing. Rev. Brian Eslinger, UU Fellowship of Ames, and Rev. Roger Butts, Davenport Unitarian Church


6A: Oral History: Capturing the Real Story on Tape
Oral history is one of the most exciting tools available for collecting and preserving history. In this workshop James E. Fogerty will describe oral history—what it is and how to use it to record family and community history—with comments on the legal realities, ethics and equipment necessary to do the job right. Here’s your chance to get some tips to do oral history with members of your congregation. James E. Fogerty, Minnesota Historical Society


7A: Sharing Best Practices
Come join representatives from congregations in Northfield, Iowa City and Saint Paul as we share best practices for small, medium, and large congregations. Rev. Phillip Lund, PSD Lifespan Program Director, and panel

(transportation will be provided)

8A: Tour of Unity Church–Unitarian
Visit host church Unity Church–Unitarian in St. Paul’s historic Cathedral Hill neighborhood. The tour will detail the church’s unique history and focus on significant architectural details, including the sanctuary and chapel. Betsy Guthmann, Unity Church–Unitarian

(transportation will be provided)

9A: Frederick May Eliot: Shaping UU History
This workshop, following a brief tour of Unity, features a recent documentary on the ministry of Rev. Frederick May Eliot and his impact on both Unity Church and the wider denomination. Eliot was minister of Unity Church from 1917–1937 and president of the American Unitarian Association from 1937–1958—just prior to the merger of Unitarianism and Universalism. The documentary includes interviews with Unity Church members, ministers and UUA historian Rev. Stefan Jonasson, and features photos, music and audio from throughout the history of the church. Briana Melom, Coordinator of Young Adults and Special Projects, Unity Church–Unitarian


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Updated 01/11/2005

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