Saturday Workshops (B)  1:30–2:45

Arts & Creativity

1B: Inviting the Creative Spirit into Worship
Music, dance, drama and visual arts can be the focal point of the Sunday morning program, as they demonstrate the diverse expressions of spirit in us. Whether participating or observing, there is reciprocal engagement beyond the spoken word. This interactive workshop will help you foster the creative energy within your congregation and access district and national resources. Deb Kline, UU Fellowship of Ames


2B: Common Fire: A Metaphor for Social Justice
We have moved a long way from the city square as a source of “common fire” to light the flames of need in individual homes. However, we still need a common fire of justice. The Prairie Star Social Justice Network is building that common fire and passion through a variety of efforts that include a newsletter, Web site, workshops and developing fund sources for common priorities. Come join us as we share and discuss “giving life the shape of justice.” Tom LoGuidice, PSD Social Justice Coordinator, UU Fellowship, Dubuque

3B: Living at the Intersection of Spirituality and Social Justice
How can a UU congregation live at the intersection of social justice and spiritual development? Unity Church–Unitarian in St. Paul launched a thoughtful ministry team structure several years ago that addresses this and other outreach questions. Through a process of action and reflection, these teams provide meaningful and effective opportunities for congregants to participate in community service, education and advocacy. Join Unity Community Outreach team leaders and members as they share their spiritual development and outreach experiences in these small ministry communities. Patricia Haff and the Community Outreach Ministry Teams, Unity Church–Unitarian


4B: The Sixth Component of a Balanced Youth Program
The UUA’s Youth Office has added a sixth component to the list of five essentials (Worship, Community Building, Social Action, Learning and Leadership) necessary for a balanced youth program in a Unitarian Universalist congregation: Youth/Adult Relations. Come learn more about what this means for the youth and youth advisors in your congregation. Becca Pournoor, Unity Church–Unitarian


5B: Get Out the Binoculars!
Join the PSD Board of Directors as they envision the possible future of Unitarian Universalism in the Midwest. This visioning exercise will not only help us chart the course for our district, but also provide an excellent tool for congregational planning. PSD Board


6B: Beauty Then and Now
This workshop will be an artistic, experiential and interdisciplinary look at the concept of beauty and its presence in our worship lives, religious education and outreach efforts. Participants will be introduced to some philosophical and theological ideas about beauty and will consider some current cultural and counter-cultural representations. Please bring something representative of beauty in your lives to share with the group. Bill Neely, Hallman Ministerial Intern, Unity Church–Unitarian


7B: A Summit on Families
How do congregations reach out to families? How does the congregation account for different family forms represented by families in the congregation? How does the scheduling of activities of the congregation reflect the busy and often complex calendar of families? Come participate in a panel discussion about the future of families within our faith that asks these questions and many more. Rev. Phillip Lund, PSD Lifespan Program Director, and Dawn Cooley, PSD Intern


8B: Fair Compensation: It’s About Unity and Diversity
Providing fair compensation to ministers and other congregational employees is grounded in our shared principles. Fair compensation also increases a congregation’s ability to recruit and retain diverse staff. This workshop will explain what fair compensation is and how your congregation can be awarded Fair Compensation status. Karin Wille, Compensation Consultant for the northern half of Prairie Star District


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Copyright Unitarian Universalist Association, 2005
Updated 01/11/2005

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