We're Close to a Universal Quantum Computer (8+ min)
Quantum computers are just on the horizon as both tech
giants and startups are working to kickstart the next
computing revolution.
How Does a Quantum Computer Work? (7 min)
Quantum Computer in a Nutshell (Documentary) (30 min)
The reservoir of possibilities offered by the fundamental
laws of Nature, is the key point in the development of
science and technology. Quantum computing is the next step
on the road to broaden our perspective from which we
currently look at the Universe. The movie shows the history
of progress in this fascinating field of science, introduces
the most promising models and algorithms, explains the
advantages of quantum computers over classical solutions,
and finally presents wonderful people thanks to which the
quality of our lives is constantly being improved.
Timeline of quantum computing
Quantum computing, which holds the promise of outclassing
even the world's fastest supercomputers, at least for
certain types of problems, is now at a similar stage in its
development. Prototypes are functioning but it is not clear
what shape the machines will eventually take. One big
question, for example, is whether "qubits", which are the
quantum equivalent of transistors, will live in tiny loops
of superconducting wire cooled to ultra-low temperatures, be
ions trapped in magnetic fields or rely on some other
D-Wave demonstrates first large-scale quantum simulation of topological state of matter
"This paper represents a breakthrough in the simulation of
physical systems which are otherwise essentially
impossible," said 2016 Nobel laureate Dr. J. Michael
Kosterlitz. "The test reproduces most of the expected
results, which is a remarkable achievement. This gives hope
that future quantum simulators will be able to explore more
complex and poorly understood systems so that one can trust
the simulation results in quantitative detail as a model of
a physical system. I look forward to seeing future
applications of this simulation method."
Researchers 'teleport' a quantum gate
Yale University researchers have demonstrated one of the key
steps in building the architecture for modular quantum
computers: the "teleportation" of a quantum gate between two
qubits, on demand.
The key principle behind this new work is quantum
teleportation, a unique feature of quantum mechanics that
has previously been used to transmit unknown quantum states
between two parties without physically sending the state
itself. Using a theoretical protocol developed in the 1990s,
Yale researchers experimentally demonstrated a quantum
operation, or "gate," without relying on any direct
One step closer to complex quantum teleportation
Quantum computers are about to get real
Quantum computing's promise is rooted in quantum mechanics,
the counterintuitive physics that governs tiny entities such
as atoms, electrons and molecules. The basic element of a
quantum computer is the qubit (pronounced "CUE-bit"). Unlike
a standard computer bit, which can take on a value of 0 or
1, a qubit can be 0, 1 or a combination of the two - a sort
of purgatory between 0 and 1 known as a quantum
superÂÂposition. When a qubit is measured, there's some
chance of getting 0 and some chance of getting 1. But before
it's measured, it's both 0 and 1.
Because qubits can represent 0 and 1 simultaneously, they
can encode a wealth of information. In computations, both
possibilities - 0 and 1 - are operated on at the same time,
allowing for a sort of parallel computation that speeds up
Another qubit quirk: Their properties can be intertwined
through the quantum phenomenon of entanglement (SN: 4/29/17,
p. 8). A measurement of one qubit in an entangled pair
instantly reveals the value of its partner, even if they are
far apart - what Albert Einstein called "spooky action at a
Arrays of atoms emerge as dark horse candidate to power
quantum computers
In a small basement laboratory, Harry Levine, a Harvard
University graduate student in physics, can assemble a
rudimentary computer in a fraction of a second. There isn't
a processor chip in sight; his computer is powered by 51
rubidium atoms that reside in a glass cell the size of a
matchbox. To create his computer, he lines up the atoms in
single file, using a laser split into 51 beams. More
lasers-six beams per atom-slow the atoms until they are
nearly motionless. Then, with yet another set of lasers, he
coaxes the atoms to interact with each other, and, in
principle, perform calculations.
Because neutral atoms lack electric charge and interact
reluctantly with other atoms, they would seem to make poor
qubits. But by using specifically timed laser pulses,
physicists can excite an atom's outermost electron and move
it away from the nucleus, inflating the atom to billions of
times its usual size. Once in this so-called Rydberg state,
the atom behaves more like an ion, interacting
electromagnetically with neighboring atoms and preventing
them from becoming Rydberg atoms themselves.
Multiparticle, multidimensional entanglement
Algorithms for Quantum Computers
Within a few years quantum computers could catch up to or
even outperform classical computers thanks to significant
work on hardware and the algorithms to run on it.
Quantum computers exploit quantum mechanics to perform
calculations. Their basic unit of computation, the qubit, is
analogous to the standard bit (zero or one), but it is in a
quantum superposition between two computational quantum
states: it can be a zero and a one at the same time. That
property, along with another uniquely quantum feature known
as entanglement, can enable quantum computers to resolve
certain classes of problems more efficiently than any
conventional computer can.
Wikipedia -- Quantum computing
Wikipedia -- Quantum Decoherence
Wikipedia -- Qubit
Why Quantum Computers Will Be Super Awesome, Someday
Updated 10/04/2024 16:19:44