Spooky Action at a Distance and Quantum Technology
Quantum Communication


The Quantum Internet | Stephanie Wehner | TEDxVienna  (15 min)


  The goal of a quantum internet is to connect quantum
  processors using long distance quantum communication.

  The internet has had a revolutionary impact on our world.
  The long-term vision of this talk is to build a matching
  quantum internet that will operate in parallel to the
  internet we have today. This quantum internet will enable
  long-range quantum communication in order to achieve
  unparalleled capabilities that are provably impossible using
  only classical means.

  Stephanie starts by exploring what a quantum internet is
  good for, and gives an intuition why quantum communication
  is so powerful. She proceeds from the state of the art
  today, towards stages for a full blown quantum internet. As
  an example, she discusses the efforts of the EU quantum
  internet alliance including the planned demonstration
  network connecting four Dutch cities in 2020. Stephanie
  Wehner is an Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor at QuTech,
  Delft University of Technology, where she leads the Quantum
  Internet efforts. Her passion is the theory of quantum
  information in all its facets, and she has written numerous
  scientific articles in both physics and computer science. In
  a former life, she worked as a professional hacker in
  industry. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED
  conference format but independently 

Wikipedia -- Quantum network

  Quantum networks form an important element of quantum
  computing and quantum communication systems. In general,
  quantum networks allow for the transmission of quantum
  information (quantum bits, also called qubits), between
  physically separated quantum processors. A quantum processor
  is a small quantum computer being able to perform quantum
  logic gates on a certain number of qubits.


Quantum Cryptography Explained  (8+ min)
  With recent high-profile security decryption cases,
  encryption is more important than ever. Much of your browser
  usage and your smartphone data is encrypted. But what does
  that process actually entail? And when computers get smarter
  and faster due to advances in quantum physics, how will
  encryption keep up?

Quantum Teleportation From Space Achieved by China!  (9+ min)

Chinese team sends quantum keys to ground stations and 
teleports ground to satellite signals

Wikipedia -- Post-quantum cryptography

  Post-quantum cryptography (sometimes referred to as
  quantum-proof, quantum-safe or quantum-resistant) refers to
  cryptographic algorithms (usually public-key algorithms)
  that are thought to be secure against an attack by a quantum
  computer. As of 2018, this is not true for the most popular
  public-key algorithms, which can be efficiently broken by a
  sufficiently strong hypothetical quantum computer. The
  problem with currently popular algorithms is that their
  security relies on one of three hard mathematical problems:
  the integer factorization problem, the discrete logarithm
  problem or the elliptic-curve discrete logarithm problem.
  All of these problems can be easily solved on a sufficiently
  powerful quantum computer running Shor's algorithm. Even
  though current, publicly known, experimental quantum
  computers lack processing power to break any real
  cryptographic algorithm, many cryptographers are designing
  new algorithms to prepare for a time when quantum computing
  becomes a threat. This work has gained greater attention
  from academics and industry through the PQCrypto conference
  series since 2006 and more recently by several workshops on
  Quantum Safe Cryptography hosted by the European
  Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and the
  Institute for Quantum Computing.

Wikipedia -- Quantum teleportation

  Quantum teleportation is a process by which quantum
  information (e.g. the exact state of an atom or photon) can
  be transmitted (exactly, in principle) from one location to
  another, with the help of classical communication and
  previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending
  and receiving location. Because it depends on classical
  communication, which can proceed no faster than the speed of
  light, it cannot be used for faster-than-light transport or
  communication of classical bits. While it has proven
  possible to teleport one or more qubits of information
  between two (entangled) atoms, this has not yet been
  achieved between anything larger than molecules.

  Although the name is inspired by the teleportation commonly
  used in fiction, quantum teleportation is limited to the
  transfer of information rather than matter itself. Quantum
  teleportation is not a form of transportation, but of
  communication: it provides a way of transporting a qubit
  from one location to another without having to move a
  physical particle along with it.

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