How to request access to a deceased family member's Apple account
This article explains how to request access to or delete
someone's Apple ID and the data stored with it after they
have passed away.
Every day, people all over the world save important
documents, memories, and more on their Apple devices and in
iCloud. At Apple, we consider privacy to be a fundamental
human right, and our users expect us to help keep their
information private and secure at all times. In the
unfortunate event of a customer's death, Apple provides
options for their loved ones to request access to or delete
their Apple ID and the data stored with it.
What Happens to Your Digital Assets When You Die?
Increasingly, we are spending a lot more time online,
whether for business, personal, social, and/or entertainment
reasons-usually it's some combination of all of these.
Depending on your situation, you may have vast digital
content, mementos, communications, etc. These are assets
that would be in tangible form if not for technological
What happens when we die with these digital assets? Estate
and inheritance laws still haven't caught up to the growing
number of digital assets, but there are some things you can
do to incorporate these items into your estate plan.
Why You Must Put Digital Assets in Your Will or Estate Plan
You may not realize it, but you're creating a significant
digital footprint as you send email, comment on social
media, post a photo gallery and view your medical records
electronically - and that's even if you don't have a blog,
podcast or website.
But what happens to all these assets after you die? Creating
a digital estate plan is becoming increasingly important,
whether it's handled through your will or your estate's
lawyers, services that specialize in assigning digital
beneficiaries, or a complete list of your online accounts
and their passwords given to a trusted family member or
How to set up a Legacy Contact on Mac
So much of our lives are lived in digital form these days,
so it's crucial that surviving family members can access the
data and information of those no longer around.
Unfortunately, once someone can no longer input their
password, their data could be lost.
Apple aims to solve this problem with its Digital Legacy
program. It allows users to declare Legacy Contacts that can
gain access to data stored in their account when they die.
Book Recommendation
Even the most disorganized among us can take control of our
on- and off-line details so our loved ones won't have to
scramble later. The experts at Everplans, a leading company
in digital life planning, make it possible in this essential
and easy-to-follow book. Breaking the task down into three
levels, from the most urgent (like granting access to
passwords), to the technical (creating a manual for the
systems in your home), to the nostalgic (assembling a living
memory), this clear, step-by-step program not only removes
the anxiety and stress from getting your life in order, it's
actually liberating. And deeply satisfying, knowing that
you're leaving the best parting gift imaginable.
Your digital life after death
What about meeting loved ones face to face? The Hereafter
Institute offers virtual reality reconstructions, based on
photographs and videos, that let family members greet
deceased loved ones reconstructed as 3D characters, and hear
audio recordings of people recounting memories of them. "I
wanted it to be very much an experience of stepping into a
memory," says Barcia-Colombo. Once he's created a 3D model
of the deceased, he asks their family to offer a memory of
that person, from which he creates a virtual scene. "You
enter a waiting room and see a door with names of people
around it. Staring at a name selects it, and the door opens.
Your deceased loved one is on the other side of the doorway,
and you end up in a scene with that person for a brief
moment," he describes.