When surfing the internet with a web browser, we often come
across information that we want to save. Bookmarks (Favorites
for some) make it convenient to save the URLs of that we wish
to access again.
That sure beats saving a copy of a webpage, article, or recipe
on your computers or mobile devices. Or worse yet, printing on
paper to be piled among other piles of printouts.
Ask yourself:
1. Do I really need to save stuff from the internet? After
all it is so easy just to use a search engine. In fact I
can say to my digital assistant, "Using DuckDuckGo search
for asparagus soup recipes". Or use ChatGPT.
2. Perhaps you regularly go to your bank or MyCharts and
want to save the URL in your Favorites.
3. What happens to my bookmarks when I switch browsers? Or
get a new computer? Upgrading from an old computer may
not preserve bookmarks? Perhaps we should not be so
dependent on bookmarks.
4. Do you have bookmarks many years old? Are they relevant?
5. Do you have hundreds and thousands of bookmarks? How do
you find what you are looking for?
Bookmarks have their place, but can quickly get out of hand if
you don't regularly purge and maintain them.
We're Getting Buried in Browser Tabs And Scientists Want to
Fix It
A small new study has found many people who browse the
internet experience tab overload, saving articles to read
later, leaving tasks as reminders, or burrowing down an
internet hole until the stack of open web pages becomes
impossible to navigate.
The clutter can make people feel stressed, distracted,
shamed, and overwhelmed. Despite this, we often avoid
clearing up the mess.
Clear (Browser) History and Website Data (Cookies and Tabs)
How to find a bookmark (in the hay stack) in Safari
Goto Safari > Bookmarks > Edit Bookmarks
Search Bookmarks using a keyword or phrase
Updated 02/13/2025 01:31:41