ANNUAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE MINUTES June 25, 2005 Minnesota Valley UU Fellowship, Bloomington MN Present: Sam Wormley--Chair, Eric Severson, Suzanne Owens-Pike, Gina Dugan Iowa City Local Arrangements: Nancy Noyer Minutes To: Nancy Heege, Phillip Lund, Sarah Greene, Elaine Rockwell Check In Volunteer Recording Secretary Accepted: Suzanne Owens-Pike. Permanent replacement to be decided in the fall. Review Minutes of February 12 and April 10, 2005 - Minutes accepted Site Visit and Local Arrangements Report: Sam Wormley, Nancy Noyer Site looks good. Accommodations are at Sheraton Iowa City. UU Church is 3 blocks away and will be used for youth and childcare. May use old theater for Sunday service (1 and ½ blocks from the hotel). Iowa City leadership is in good shape. The committee will work on electronic registration and registration confirmation. Suggest they meet with Barbara and Julie from 2005 committee. Discussion of budget, which needs to be ready for review by us in the fall and then by the PSD Board in November. There was discussion of a planned social justice activity to take place at the Conference. This will have to be confirmed by the November brochure deadline. Hopefully connect it to some justice activity of the local UU Church. Possibly offer this activity in the later afternoon and reduce the number of workshops offered at that time to encourage participation. Logo: The Committee accepted the local arrangements committee\u2019s first choice, which was designed by a youth in their church. Speakers: Invitations are out to Valerie Mapstone-Ackerman and Charlie Clemens. Other suggested speakers were Jose Ballester, Jim Wallis, Carol or Tom Owen-Towle or another person from UUSC. Someone from our committee will be assigned to each speaker to assist them during conference. Will need local backup speaker in case of emergency. Remember dates: April 28-30, 2006 Workshops: Eric Severson Discussed changes to workshop application form, especially to have presenters list what people will take away from the workshop and maybe something about the presenter\u2019s previous experience. Possibly ask them for a reference. Goal is to have a greater consistency in the quality of the presentations among the workshops. Local Church site visits are popular; possibly offer one during a workshop slot. Check with Unity to make sure that all workshop presenters paid their registration fee, because if they did not, they are not invited back. Summer Mailing: Suzanne Owens-Pike Cover letter, workshop application and flier will be sent out by end of July. Sarah Greene will provide list, mailing labels and assistance. Suzanne will ask First Universalist Church, Minneapolis to donate the use of their copier. Suzanne will update letter and workshop application and Eric will do flier. Local arrangements will write article for PSD mailing. In January mailing, include a sheet with places of local interest so that people can include those in their plans in coming to Iowa City. Youth: Need/desire to increase their involvement: social justice activity, worship service. Goal: PSD annual conference becomes an official youth con of the YAC. Music: Make use of theme at worship and during programs. There are lots of possibilities with this theme! Misc. Conference Discussion: Discussion about how to get people fired up. Focus on beginning of Conference. Have District leader and local leader do introductions and welcome. Encourage churches to participate in banner parade. Next Meeting Date: Saturday, October 29, 2005. Minnesota Valley Fellowship, Bloomington MN. 10:00am-2:00pm with potluck lunch. Respectfully (and temporarily) submitted, Suzanne Owens-Pike