Subject: Conference Description: Final version
From: Robin Taylor <>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 09:39:02 -0500
To: Sarah Greene <>
CC: Ben Wallace <>, "Gina Dugan & Stan Nichol" <>, Laura Shennum <>, Mike Schwab <>, Rev Lisa Schwartz <>, Nancy Heege - NJHeege <>, Sam Wormley <>, Virginia Malcomson <>, Xenda <>

Lessons From War & Peace:  Stories of Hope, Faith and Courage


War is like the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about.  As Unitarian Universalists, we can agree that we all want peace and we all need to support our troops and their families, but we may feel very differently about war itself.  Is war ever justified?  What can we learn from those who have experienced it?  Can we wage peace instead?  

 As our country is engaged in war on the other side of the globe, every one of us is affected by the enormous emotional and financial burden of sending our young people into battle.  Many of us have served our military, or have family members proudly serving now.  Or perhaps we have just been horrified by the articles in the paper about the rising suicide rate among veterans.  Let us consider the seven UU principles and how they can guide us to peace.


We invite you to join us for a deeper exploration of the costs of war, how to heal from it, and how we, as people of faith, can become instruments of peace in our everyday lives. 

In addition to examining this profoundly moving theme, you can benefit from workshops designed to strengthen your congregations, deepen your social justice work, and enrich you on a personal level.  Come and experience some of the PSD's top talent, culminating with the joy of shared worship and musical celebration on Sunday morning.


“Veterans have experience that makes them the light at the tip of the candle, illuminating the roots of war and the way to peace.”
     ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Hi Sarah,

Above is the annual conference description that the Program Committee came up with for the website.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

