Linda Barnes and her husband Mark Runquist, along with their three children, live in a restored farmstead in rural Iowa and are stewards of high hopes gardens, LLC. They operate a small diversified farm reminiscent of the self-sufficiency of farms in years gone by but incorporate modern features such as wind energy and a farm blog. Linda proposed and founded, developed a program curriculum, and raised over $700,000 to establish a certified organic 140 acre "incubator" farm adjacent to Marshalltown Community College where she teaches biology. Linda holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Minnesota-Duluth, a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from Iowa State University and holds seven US and international patents for biotechnology before switching her focus to sustainable farming. She and her husband are one of the first partners in Wholesome Harvest Organic Meats, an organic meat co-op that distributes products nationwide. She has recently visited rural agricultural enterprises in Mexico and in Costa Rica. She is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames and is a frequent presenter to the Fellowship and to local service and clubs and Midwestern farming conferences.