JUDY LECTURE Meg Riley, Director of the UU Washington Office for Faith in Action: Touching Wholeness in a Broken World We know it when we feel it. Suddenly the breath changes, we are in a different world from the one we are sentenced to by our culture, by our media, by our government. And the colors are more vivid, and our noses quiver with the ecstacy of the scent of life, and then in an instant it's gone again. How do we use such moments as compasses to guide us home again when we so often feel destined to wander forever in a strange land? _______________________________________________________________ The Reverend Meg Riley directs the Unitarian Universalist Association's Washington Office for Faith in Action, and serves as a Minister Associated with All Souls' Church-Unitarian in Washington DC. Riley serves on the national boards of The Interfaith Alliance, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, and Americans United for Separation of Church and State. She lives in Washington DC with her family.