"The Revolution Starts Now"

  At a time when words like peace, compassion, understanding and reason
  have become suspect it is the duty of peaceful compassionate
  reasonable understanding people to stand up and make their voices
  heard. This revolutionary idea must include a gentle spirit and a
  commitment to non-violent action. It IS possible to change the course
  of human events but only if we prepare ourselves well in mind, body
  and spirit.  Because Unitarian Universalism has always borne a
  heretical heart in matters religious and social, let us fulfill the
  legacy of our forebears and step forward to be the change we want to
  see in the world.

Rev. Valerie Mapstone Ackerman, MSW, MDiv
Red Dog Farm and Retreat Center
18679 South 221st East Avenue
Haskell, OK 74436
(918) 482-3278 home
(918) 231-2188 cell