Valerie Mapstone Ackerman grew up in a working class town near
  Pittsburgh PA. Married young and divorced quickly Valerie has
  intimately known the social welfare system from the client's side.
  She graduated with honors from The University of Pittsburgh and holds
  master's degrees from the University of Michigan and
  Meadville/Lombard Theological School. Valerie has worked with
  adjudicated and emotionally impaired youth, in reproductive health
  care, and as an advocate for children without homes and residents of
  public housing. She has been a community organizer, a politician, a
  therapist and an adjunct faculty member of the School of Social Work
  at U-Michigan. Valerie has served UU congregations in Portage and
  Detroit MI, Park Forest IL, Tulsa OK, and Lancaster PA. Her ministry
  now includes itinerant preaching, consulting with UU boards and
  congregations, advocacy for peace and justice, hosting spiritual
  retreats and discussion groups and writing (for which she recently
  won an award). Valerie and her spouse Bill have two grown children
  who can't understand why their parents live in Oklahoma by choice.
  The Ackermans enjoy the great privilege of providing the summer
  residence for their brilliant and talented granddaughter on their
  small farm near Tulsa.

Rev. Valerie Mapstone Ackerman, MSW, MDiv
Red Dog Farm and Retreat Center
18679 South 221st East Avenue
Haskell, OK 74436
(918) 482-3278 home
(918) 231-2188 cell