Attn: Youth Advisors & DREs! The Annual meeting is intended to be an intergenerational environment. Please post this flyer in your youth room and encourage your congregational leaders to include a youth or two in your district delegation.

We know that you have BIG plans for April 4th–6th . . .

I’m a very busy person. We know that you think that you will be very productive . . .
Of course you could do something truly remarkable instead! You could represent your church or fellowship at the Prairie Star District Annual Meeting! I have things to DO! And we know what will really happen . . .
That’s right! Every year, most congregations are willing to send a few outstanding members to the Annual meeting. Why? Because the Annual Meeting provides excellent workshops and a perfect environment for folks from different parts of the district to meet and share ideas about what they do in their community. Aren’t you an outstanding member of your congregation? Why shouldn’t one of those delegates be you—a youth?!? Don’t waste another weekend watching cartoons and your friends! Get out there and I should’ve gone to the PSD Annual Conference.


The district has made youth inclusion attractive by arranging free lodging at the Rochester church, providing a youth hospitality suite, insuring youth relevant programming, and making youth registration CHEAP! As an interested youth, you should talk to your advisor(s) and DRE about attending the meeting. They may be able to find out how the delegates are selected and help you advocate for your own inclusion.

All registered youth will hostel at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Rochester. Transportation to and fro will be available. Except for the Saturday night banquet, separate meals will be provided for the youth. An effort has been made to provide a balance of exclusive youth activities and intergenerational involvement in the Annual Meeting Schedule.

During the annual awards ceremony the district Youth Adult Committee will recognize three congregations for support and empowerment of youth. The winners are to be chosen by the Youth Adult Committee from ballots submitted by youth, advisors, or other knowledgeable parties. If you are from a youth empowered congregation that would make a good model for the rest of the district or know of another church or fellowship that would qualify, please consider making a nomination.

Prairie Star District Annual Conference
Youth Schedule

      5:00–10:00 Check-in at Church
      6:00–7:00 Optional Dinner
      7:00–7:45 Opening Celebration
      7:45–9:30 Hospitality Suite
      11:00 Lights Out
      7:30–8:15 Clean Up
      8:00–9:15 Choir Practice (optional)
      8:15–9:00 Breakfast
      9:30–10:30 Worship Service
      7:00–8:00 Breakfast
      8:00–10:00 Worship Planning
      10:00–12:00 Glass Excursion
      12:00–1:00 Lunch
      1:30–2:45 Workshop B
      2:45–3:15 Break
      3:15–4:30 Workshop C
      5:00–6:00 Optional Meeting
      6:00–7:00 Worship Setup
      7:00–9:00 Banquet
      9:15–10:00 Worship