UUFA Local Arrangements Working Group - Contacts
Prairie Star District Annual Conference and Meeting
April 5-7, 2002swormley1@mchsi.com
Main Page -- Local Tasks
Prairie Star District ContactsOVERALL LOCAL HOST (UUFA) COORDINATOR Sam Wormley 515 296-2627 1205 Scholl Rd 50014 swormley1@mchsi.com 515 291-4379 (cell) Ellen Wool 292-5960 1015 N. Hyland 50014 uufa@uufames.com uufa@aol.com Tracy Hugee 268-2209 Gateway Center 50010 tracyh@thegatewayames.com CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Pam Schwab 292-4107 3207 Greenwood Cir 50014 Sedcad@cs.com Deb Kline 382-5580 128 8th Street 50201 deb@debkline.com Bobby Warman 292-3166 3604 Annear St 50014 roywarman@aol.com Ellen Wool 292-5960 1015 N. Hyland 50014 uufa@uufames.com uufa@aol.com CONFERENCE HOME HOSTING Bobby Warman 292-3166 3604 Annear St 50014 roywarman@aol.com EXHIBITS & DISPLAYS Liz Weber 292-1203 3616 Ross Rd 50014 ElizWeber@aol.com AUDIO VISUAL NEEDS COORDINATION Dallas Thies 232-1502 1315 Clark 50010 dthies@ames.k12.ia.us CONFERENCE SITE COORDINATION - GATEWAY CENTER Dallas Thies 232-1502 1315 Clark 50010 dthies@ames.k12.ia.us Tracy Hugee 268-2209 Gateway Center 50010 tracyh@thegatewayames.com Ray & Trish Strah 232-7854 3405 Madison Ct 50010 rayandtrish@msn.net, tstrah@ames.k12.ia.us Sue Ann Peck 232-7028 2106 Prairie View E 50010 sapeck@email.ames.k12.ia.us Donald Lewis 232-5801 2710 Northwood Dr 50010 drlewis@iastate.edu Lisa Eslinger 292-8209 721 Arizona 50014 eslinger@isunet.net BOOKSTORE Annette Rowley 296-0529 3118 Greenwood Rd 50014 rowley@iastate.edu Barbi Greenlaw 292-5317 3315 Ross Rd 50014 BRGREENLAW@aol.com Amy Kuehl 433-0158 1384 Moingona Rd 50036 akuehl@dhs.state.ia.us YOUTH PROGRAM Sarah Carlson 232-2400 207 Jensen 50105 scarlson@ppgi.org Dean Lewis 292-3772 333 Rockwell Ave 50014 jadml@qwest.net Ann Romanczuk 652-488-0093 55113 KWilson800@aol.com CHILD CARE Brenda Witherspoon 233-3806 2312 Jensen 50010 spoons@iastate.edu Mark Witherspoon 233-3806 2312 Jensen 50010 spoons@iastate.edu VISUAL ARTS (BANNERS AND FLOWERS) Nancy Schroeder 233-1442 113 S Russell Ave 50010 nancyandbert1@aol.com PRAIRIE STAR DISTRICT ANNUAL MEETING OPENING CEREMONY Doug Marek 268-4883 2136 Torrey Pines Rd 50014 douglasmarek@cs.com dmarek@max.state.ia.us Kevin Kane 232-8083 1354 Barkley Ct 50010 kkane@iastate.edu Barb Evenson 233-2773 3111 Northwood Dr 50010 barb@g2kweb.com Cheryl Lawson 296-2627 1205 Scholl Rd 50014 cheryljlawson@hotmail.com*Leading PRAIRIE STAR DISTRICT ANNUAL MEETING WORSHIP SERVICE Brian Eslinger 292-8209 721 Arizona 50014 eslinger@isunet.net Linda Barnes 482-3185 2860 Knapp Ave 50162 highhopes@prairieinet.net, ljbarnes@iavalley.cc.ia.us Erv Luedders 233-8889 1313 Carroll 50010 eluedders@aol.com Sue Haug 296-2115 1145 Oklahoma Dr 50014 shaug@iastate.edu Karol Crosbie 233-6239 1224 Orchard Dr 50010 kcrosbie@iastate.edu TREASURER, BUDGET & FINANCES Lisa Eslinger 292-8209 721 Arizona 50014 eslinger@isunet.net Shirley Rawson 292-5308 2706 Meadow Glen Rd 50014 amesrawson@aol.com CONFERENCE PUBLICITY AND BROCHURE Pam Schwab 292-4107 3207 Greenwood Cir 50014 Sedcad@cs.com Chuck Schwab 292-4107 3207 Greenwood Cir 50014 cvschwab@iastate.edu Kevin Kane 232-8083 1354 Barkley Ct 50010 kkane@iastate.edu JR Campbell 233-3917 113 S Maple Ave 50010 jrcamp@iastate.edu CONFERENCE LOGO & NEW UUFA BANNER Cheryl Lawson 296-2627 1205 Scholl Rd 50014 cheryljlawson@hotmail.com*Leading Kevin Kane 232-8083 1354 Barkley Ct 50010 kkane@iastate.edu Brian Eslinger 292-8209 721 Arizona 50014 eslinger@isunet.net JR Campbell 233-3917 113 S Maple Ave 50010 jrcamp@iastate.edu SATURDAY NIGHT ENTERTAINMENT & BARN DANCE Benette Sherman 292-3169 3213 Ross Rd 50014 benettesherman@hotmail.com TABLE TOPICS Kitty Fisher 232-4861 1107 Grand Ave 50010 kfisher99@excite.com PIANO Tom Russell 292-8547 1206 Michigan Ave 50014 trussellpiano@aol.com Sue Haug 296-2115 1145 Oklahoma Dr 50014 shaug@iastate.edu INCLUDED FOR COORDINATION Cheryl Lawson 296-2627 1205 Scholl Rd 50014 cheryljlawson@hotmail.com Liz Weber 292-1203 3616 Ross Rd 50014 ElizWeber@aol.com Deb Kline 382-5580 128 8th Street 50201 deb@debkline.com dkline66@home.com Ellen Wool 292-5960 1015 N. Hyland 50014 uufa@uufames.com uufa@aol.com OTHER RESOURCES Carmon Slater 303-674-8394 Evergreen, CO 80439 WindsReach@aol.com GENERAL VOLUNTEERS Lynn Avant 292-6384 1301 Indiana Ave 50014 lavant@dhs.state.ia.us Amy Best 233-4495 1016 Roosevelt 50010 amybest@iastate.edu Peggy Earnshaw 232-1665 424 Paulson Dr 50010 plearns@mchsi.com Barbi Greenlaw 292-5317 3315 Ross Rd 50014 BRGREENLAW@aol.com Isabel Hendrickson 233-1248 132 24th St 50010 Deb Kline 382-5580 128 8th Street 50201 deb@debkline.com dkline66@home.com Cheryl Lawson 296-2627 1205 Scholl Rd 50014 cheryljlawson@hotmail.com Jean Peterson 296-5182 2227 Hamilton Dr 50014 elnjean@aol.com Shirley Rawson 292-5308 2706 Meadow Glen Rd 50014 amesrawson@aol.com Benette Sherman 292-3169 3213 Ross Rd 50014 benettesherman@hotmail.com Lynne van Valin 296-1821 301 Westbrook Ln 50014 lrvanvalin@qwest.net Rich van Valin 296-1821 301 Westbrook Ln 50014 lrvanvalin@qwest.net Liz Weber 292-1203 3616 Ross Rd 50014 ElizWeber@aol.com Joan White 232-6107 540 Meadow Ct 50010 Vera Willians 572-4746 134 University Vil 50010 vlwillim@iastate.edu Ellen Wool 292-5960 1015 N. Hyland 50014 uufa@uufames.com uufa@aol.com PRAIRIE STAR DISTRICT
PSD Staff Nancy Heege 612-870-4823(w) njheege@aol.com Sarah Greene 612-870-4823(w) sjgreene@aol.com Program Planning: **Mildred Larson 715-834-1370 (Eau Claire, WI) mnlbfl@ecol.net, mnlarson@ci.eau-claire.wi.us Diana Allen 715-720-0480 (Chippewa Falls, WI) diana@infinitejoy.com Gina Dugan (St. Cloud, MN) gdugan@cloudnet.com Rev. Mary Samuels (Edina, MN) uumary@juno.com **chair Archives: Judith Wright (Minneapolis, MN) - new member JWRIGHT@msprmpo.hyatt.com Annual conference program coordinator Hal Bertilson 715-394-8021(w) Duluth hbertils@staff.uwsuper.edu Hal Bertilson 715-394-8107(fax) Hal Bertilson 715-394-3902(h) Last Year's conference program coordinator Deidre Fudge 515-225-2944 Des Moines uufudge@home.com Last Year's local host coordinator Laura Cooper 612-920-0020 5001 Queen Ave S lcooper@umn.edu Next Year's local host coordinator Beth Atkinson 507-285-9792 atkinson@mayo.edu Youth Program Specialist Ann Romanczuk 652-488-0093 (Roseville, MN) 55113 KWilson800@aol.com Awards: Rev. Dillman Baker Sorrells (Rochester, MN) minister@uurochmn.org Maryann LoGuidice (Platteville, WI) Patti Neal (Winona, MN) Site Selection: Doug Anderson (Mankato, MN) Peggy Houston (Iowa City, IA)- new member Sherree Ross (Kansas City, MO) Prairie Star District Congregations