
Choir interest?
[] I would like to sing with the choir on Sunday. Please send me more information about the music. Please circle your voice part:
S   A   T   B

Calculation and Payment of Registration Fees
Option 1
(Includes Lunch & Dinner on Saturday,
Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday)
Adult @ $95 $_______ (a)
Youth @ $50 $_______ (b)
Option 2
(Includes Lunch & Dinner on Saturday,
no breakfasts included)
Adult @ $81 $_______ (c)
Youth @ $42 $_______ (d)
Option 3
(Includes Lunch & Dinner on Saturday,
Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday)
Adult @ $90 $_______ (e)
Youth @ $45 $_______ (f)
Option 4
(Includes Lunch & Dinner on Saturday,
no breakfasts included)
Adult @ $76 $_______ (g)
Youth @ $33 $_______ (h)
Optional Friday Night Dinner
Adult/Youth @ $21.95 $_______ (i)
Child @ $15 $_______ (j)
Child Care
Child care @ $32 per child $_______ (k)
Total Fees   (sum of lines a-k) $_______ (l)
For each adult registration
postmarked by March 23,
deduct $10 early registration:
$_______ (m)
Total Enclosed (line l minus line m) $_______

Please make checks payable to:     Send check with both form pages to:
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis     Tom Atchison
6711 Lake Shore Drive, Ap. 1006
Richfield, MN  55423